Frequently asked questions
How can I get additional information or assistance regarding the specific requirements for my property?
Weed Abatement Inspectors are available to assist you and answer your questions. Please call our Weed Abatement Service Request line at (408) 282-3145 or email us at [email protected] to schedule an onsite consultation with the program staff or to obtain additional information.
How do I know that the County performed work on my parcel?
Inspectors photograph the conditions of each parcel that work is ordered on. The County contractor takes a photo before and after each job to document what the parcel looked like before and after he performed the work. The photos are stored in our database as part of the parcel’s program record.
How does the County identify my parcel?
County Assessor Office Data combined with Clerk Recorder Information is accessed by Inspectors to identify parcel boundaries or other property concerns.
How long will I be a part of the program?
Display 3 consecutive years of compliance for removal.
How much does this cost me?
If the Minimum Fire Safety Standards (MFSS) are met by the given deadline and maintained through the fire season, the only fee incurred will be the initial inspection fee.
2025 Fee Schedule:
Initial inspection = $105
First administrative fee (failed inspection/work order processing) = $597
Second administrative fee (contractor invoice processing) = $961
Warrant fee = $1,323
In addition to the County fees, 100% of the contractor invoice shall be transferred to the parcel owner as the contractor fee.
How will I be billed?
Charges will appear as a special assessment on your next Property Tax statement.
I have grazing animals. Do I need to perform abatement?
Grazing animals do not absolve you of your responsibilities to provide a fire safe condition on your property. You will need to check with our office to determine if grazing is adequate or if additional work is required.
What authority allows the County of Santa Clara Weed Abatement to inspect or add fees to my parcel?
California Health and Safety Code sections 14875-14922 allows the County to inspect, order work and recover costs to remove hazardous vegetation on parcels.
What is required of me now that I am a part of the Weed Abatement Program?
Property Owners are required to maintain the minimum fire safety standards throughout their inspection window. Inspection deadlines indicate the start of the inspection window. All areas of the County are required to maintain the standards until October 31st, every year.
Inspection deadlines:
March 1st = Campbell and Undeveloped Parcels in San Jose
April 1st = Milpitas and Unincorporated County areas
April 15th = Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Santa Clara
April 30th = Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and Palo Alto
May 1st = Morgan Hill
May 15th = Gilroy
E-mail to request an Extension, prior to the assigned deadline.
What is the County of Santa Clara Weed Abatement Program?
A monitoring program; primary objective is to mitigate the spread of fire via voluntary compliance.
What method of abatement is used to maintain my property?
The County contractor will use either one of, or a combination of discing, mowing, or hand crew weed whacking to complete abatement. The County contractor does not and will not use any type of spray to control or eradicate any hazards.
Where can I find someone to provide abatement services?
Weed Abatement Contractors can be found in the yellow pages under “weed control services” or “discing services”. You may have the County contractor perform the necessary work. The prices are included with your initial program packed you received in December. You can also refer to the Documents section of our website and download a copy of the list we have compiled. The contractors listed are not specifically recommended or endorsed by the County, but listed as a convenience from research and property owner referrals.
Why have I received an Abatement Notice?
Typically, a property is placed on the program after an inspector identifies a potential fire hazard on the premises. Fire Departments, Code Enforcement, Public Works and other public agencies also submit complaints to the County's Consumer and Environmental Protection Agency - Weed Abatement Program.
Why have you performed work on my property while the vegetation is still green?
Grass, weeds, or piles of combustible debris have been declared a public nuisance by your jurisdiction. Abating hazards in the spring to minimize volume of combustible material helps us to be more effective during the peak fire season.
Will you notify me prior to beginning any abatement work?
Property owners are responsible for preventing fire hazards on their property. If the MFSS have been met, but further work is necessary, the owner will receive an on program letter indicating that further work is needed prior to the County contractor performing the work. We will also attempt to contact the owner by phone at the number listed on their Return Reply Form. If the MFSS have not been met, a green 15 day notice postcard will be sent as a courtesy prior to any abatement. The 15 day notice and/or on program letter are sent to the legal address on file with the Tax Assessor’s office. It is the owner’s responsibility to keep this information current. If you have moved or recently sold your property, it is recommended that you check the address on file where your tax bill is sent.